
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Royal Marine Sergeant Luke Taylor killed in Helmand

Royal Marine Sergeant Luke Taylor was one of two British soldiers shot and killed at the main entrance to Lashkar Gah Main Operating Base in Helmand province on Monday, 26th March 2012.

33-year-old Sergeant Taylor, from Bournemouth, joined the Royal Marines in 1997. He had been in Afghanistan for just four weeks. His Commanding Officer said: "Sergeant Taylor epitomised everything positive about the military – he worked hard and played hard and his efforts here in Helmand will not be forgotten."

A colour sergeant from the Royal Marines said: "Luke, you had a Heart of Oak that came with loyalty and a brilliant sense of humour. These are the traits of an inspired father, loving husband, Royal Marine and quality oppo. Stand Easy Royal."

A sergeant from the Royal Marines said: "Luke, a hoofing Bootneck, hoofing bloke, hoofing mate. Always with a smile on your face and the ability to make us all laugh - you will be sorely missed your friend and brother in arms."

Sgt. Taylor married in 2008 and leaves behind his beloved wife, Nicola, and their young son, Roan.

*Due to the nature of Sergeant Taylor's work, the above quotes have been anonymised*

1 comment:

  1. Sorry 2 here tht it was sergeant luke taylor killed monday. Went through training with him back in 97, extremley funny guy. He will be missed by everyone who new him. Stand easy...


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