
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

British Army Lance Corporal Michael Foley killed in Helmand

British Army Lance Corporal Michael Foley, of the Adjutant General's Corps (Staff and Personnel Support), was one of two soldiers shot and killed at the main entrance to Lashkar Gah Main Operating Base in Helmand province on Monday, 26th March 2012.

Lance Corporal Foley was born in Burnley, Lancashire. He joined the Army September 2003. He deployed to Afghanistan in September 2011 as a key member of the Task Force Helmand Headquarters Information Hub team. On 26th March, he was manning the front gate as part of the guard force for Main Operating Base, Lashkar Gah, when he and Sergeant Luke Taylor, of the Royal Marines, were killed by a rogue member of the Afghan National Army.

Major BJ Cattermole, Scots Dragoon Guards, Chief of Staff, Headquarters 20th Armoured Brigade, said: "Lance Corporal Foley died protecting his comrades - his final gift of service to the Army and his country, and the ultimate sacrifice by a young commander who epitomised selfless service and dedication throughout his Army career."

Lance Corporal Foley leaves behind his beloved wife, Sophie, and three young children, Calum, Warren and Jake; as well as parents, Craig and Debbie, sister, Lisa and brother, Jordan.

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