
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Spanish Army Staff Sergeant Joaquin Moya Espejo

35-year-old Spanish Army Staff Sgt. Joaquin Moya Espejo was killed in action on Sunday 6th November 2011 when insurgents attacked a group of Afghan troops being accompanied by Spanish military advisers near Ludina, Badghis province.

The attack occurred northwest of Ludina, where Afghan troops, Spanish military advisers and a sniper team had taken up position on a hill to protect troops moving through a valley. The soldiers came under small arms fire from a distant position and Staff Sgt. Moya Espejo, who was wearing a bullet-proof vest, was hit in the chest.

He was airlifted to a military field hospital at Bala Morghab, but he went into cardio-respiratory arrest and was pronounced dead on arrival at the medical facility.

Staff Sgt. Moya Espejo served with Infantry Regiment Garellano 45 based in the Spanish city of Vitoria.


  1. My sincere condolences to the family and friends of SSgt. Espejo. God bless this hero.

  2. Mis mas sinceras condolencias en la perdida de su ser
    querido. Los nuestros son como
    una soga con nudos, cada uno de nosotros somos un nudo.
    Cuando uno se va, el nudo se suelta, pero todavia es parte de la soga.

  3. Dios te Salve Staff Sergeant Joaquin Moya Espejo, Que Dios te tenga en su Gloria... Viva Cristo Rey... Descansa en Paz...SANTIAGO!!!!


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