
Saturday, November 5, 2011

British Army Private Matthew Haseldin

British Army Private Matthew Haseldin from 2nd Battalion The Mercian Regiment (2 MERCIAN) was killed in action in Nahr-e Saraj, Helmand province 3rd November 2011. His patrol was attacked by enemy forces and Pvt. Haseldin was hit by small arms fire.

21-year-old Pvt. Haseldin, from Yorkshire, had only been in the Army since February this year and completed his training in August. He deployed to Afghanistan in September.

Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) Martyn Chatterley, Regimental Sergeant Major, 2 MERCIAN and Coalition Force Burma, said: "Private Matthew Haseldin was only 21 years old, still young, enthusiastic and eager to further his career. He was proud and enthusiastic with his fellow soldiers and his mates. For the short time I knew Matthew he made an instant impression. He will be sorely missed but we should be proud to have known him and to have fought alongside him. My most sincere condolences and thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time. He will be sorely missed by all in 2 MERCIAN but never forgotten. Stand FIRM, Strike Hard."

Matthew's parents Alan and Jill said: "Matthew was a loving son and we are very proud of him. He had only been in the Army for a few months. Friends and family will miss him greatly. Rest in Peace."

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