
Monday, March 11, 2013

US Private Contractor Inez Baker killed in attack in Kapisa province

51-year-old Inez 'Renee' Baker was killed on Friday 8th March 2013 during an attack at Forward Operating Base Tagab, in Kapisa province. The attack happened early afternoon when three men, dressed as Afghan soldiers, drove a vehicle into the gate of the base, before opening fire and killing Ms. Baker.

Two Afghan soldiers also died and four coalition soldiers were injured in the attack. The three attackers were also killed.

Ms. Baker had served in the US Army for 26 years. She retired last year and began working as a private contractor.

More information to follow.


  1. HM/2 Tom mitchell, USN13 March, 2013 23:23

    Rest in Eternal Peace, Fallen Sister! And may perpetual Light shine upon you!

  2. I love you mom your our hero


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