
Saturday, March 16, 2013

US Army Captain Sara Cullen killed in helicopter crash

US Army Captain Sara M. Cullen was among those killed on 11th March 2013 in a helicopter crash over Kandahar.

Capt. Cullen was one of the crew of a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter flying above the Daman district of Kandahar during a heavy rainstorm when the aircraft crashed, killing all five US soldiers on board.

According to an announcement on the West Point website, Capt. Cullen (nee Knutson) had previously been based at Fort Wainwright in Alaska and had also deployed to Pakistan on a humanitarian mission. She deployed to Afghanistan in January.

She married a former Blackhawk pilot in November last year and he deployed to Afghanistan in February this year with a private contracting company.

More information to follow.


  1. So very sorry, such a HUGE loss. May her family and friends be comforted. From a grateful citizen

  2. A thought to all those brave young women who accomplish dangerous missions for Freedom and the Right to risk their lives as well as their male counterparts.


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