
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

British Army Sapper Richard Walker killed by Afghan soldier

23-year-old British Army Sapper Richard Reginald Walker from 28 Engineer Regiment, attached to 21 Engineer Regiment, was shot and killed on Monday 7th January 2013 by a member of the Afghan National Army (ANA) at Patrol Base Hazrat in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province.

Born in Leeds, Sapper Walker worked as a technician for Vauxhall before joining the Army in July 2008. On completion of his training, he joined 28 Engineer Regiment in Hameln, Germany, in September 2009, and deployed to Canada and Kenya on major exercises. He deployed to Afghanistan in September last year.

Sapper Walker represented his Regiment at football and spent endless hours in the gym. His family said in a tribute to Sapper Walker: "Richard held two things close to his heart – his daughter and his colleagues in the Army. A proud, patriotic man, he died doing a job he loved, supporting his friends."

Lieutenant Brad Southall RE, Support Troop Commander, 42 Field Squadron, 28 Engineer Regiment, said: "Sapper Walker was a shining star. When I took command of my troop I was struck by his charisma, his devotion to duty and his immense capability."

Staff Sergeant Sean Eaton, 8 Troop, 42 Field Squadron, 28 Engineer Regiment, said: "Sapper Walker has a young daughter, Lilly-Faith, who was never far from his mind. He would often speak about her with everyone. I only knew Richie for a short time, but he has left a lasting impression on me and will never be forgotten."

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