
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Report from a front-line field hospital in Afghanistan

British medics on Afghanistan's front lines give a behind the scenes look at the world-class life-saving field hospital at Camp Bastion.

British Army nurse, Sergeant Malcolm Dick, swapped private medicine for a job on the Afghanistan front line.

Malcolm, 42, decided to join up after being touched by the experiences of troops in Iraq.

He is now a vital part of Camp Bastion’s field hospital – the most advanced and most effective trauma unit in the world.

The survival rate for wounded soldiers who reach the hospital is an astonishing 98 per cent, despite the horrifying injuries caused by the insurgents’ explosive devices.

The skills of the 250 hospital staff have been honed by caring for 2000 patients every month. Of these, 200 come via medevacs in superfast helicopters.

The survival rate is boosted by the lightning response of the helicopters, which get the average patient to hospital within 35 minutes of them being wounded.

Read the full report and view more pictures at The Daily Record

1 comment:

  1. It's relieving to hear that the survival rate for wounded soldiers is 98 percent. This cannot be an easy job for the medical staff in this hospital. Kudos to them for doing their jobs so well.


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