
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Remembrance Day on the front line

Under the hot Afghan winter sun, a bugler sounded the Last Post, ahead of a profound two-minute silence at the British headquarters in Lashkar Gah.

The servicemen and women here stood lost in thought, before the bugler sounded the reveille.

For those working and fighting here, this Remembrance Day is a very personal act of remembering the sacrifices made in war.

Though many of those gathered here are only in their twenties, many have already lost friends and comrades in Afghanistan, and before that in Iraq, giving the silence here a deeper resonance.

Lieutenant Colonel Matt Jackson, Commanding Officer of 40 Commando Royal Marines, says that for himself and his men, this Sunday is both a personal and a collective act of remembrance.

"Overall, the Royal Marines have taken a number of fatalities in Afghanistan: 61 since the campaign began, a number of friends among them," he said.

Read full story at BBC News

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