
Friday, October 26, 2012

RM Commando Corporal David O'Connor

27-year-old Royal Marine Corporal David O'Connor was one of two British soldiers killed on 24th October 2012 during a patrol in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand Province. The two were killed when their patrol came under fire.

Corporal O'Connor was born on 16 June 1985 and lived in Hampshire with his mother. He joined the Royal Marines in 2002 and after nine months arduous training passed for duty as a Royal Marines Commando. This was his third deployment to Afghanistan.

Described as "an outstanding Royal Marines Commando." He displayed true Commando spirit in all that he did and was ferociously dedicated to his men, his Company and the Royal Marines. He was an inspirational leader and an excellent soldier.

Lieutenant Colonel Matt Jackson Royal Marines, Commanding Officer, 40 Commando Royal Marines said that Corporal O'Connor was "utterly professional, his four operational tours of Iraq and Afghanistan marked him as one of the most devoted individuals in the Commando. Brave, committed and humorous it is difficult to find words that can possibly fill the void which has been left by this truly excellent junior commander; his loss is difficult to comprehend. His career was dedicated to the service of his country and to the lives of the Royal Marines with whom he served."

He leaves behind his mother, Rosemary; brother, Phil; father, Roy (known to all as George) and a loving family.

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