
Friday, August 31, 2012

Australian Army Lance Corporal Stjepan Milosevic

40-year-old Australian Army Lance-Corporal Stjepan 'Rick' Milosevic was one of three Australian soldiers killed on 29th August 2012 by an Afghan soldier at a patrol base in Uruzgan. 

Lance Corporal Milosevic, known as Rick to his family and Milo to his comrades, deployed to Afghanistan with the 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment Task Group and was from the 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment, Queensland Mounted Infantry (2/14 LHR (QMI)) based in Brisbane, Queensland. 

Lance Corporal Milosevic was born in Penrith, New South Wales, in 1972. He enlisted in the Army in 2008. He was posted as a Cavalryman to the 2/14 LHR (QMI) in Brisbane in 2009 on completion of his basic training and initial employment training. His potential was quickly identified and he achieved outstanding course results in a short period of time; being promoted to Lance Corporal in 2011 and becoming a light armoured vehicle (ASLAV) crew commander. He was a highly-qualified soldier with a strong future. 

This was his first deployment to Afghanistan. He had previously served in Iraq. He leaves his wife and their two children.

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