
Monday, March 26, 2012

US Army Sgt. Daniel Brown killed by bomb blast in Kandahar

27-year-old US Army Sergeant Daniel J. Brown, from Idaho, was killed in action on 24th March 2012 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan. He died from injuries suffered by a bomb blast.

Sgt. Brown served with the 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, based at Fort Carson, Colorado. He deployed to Afghanistan in May 2011. He also served in Iraq from March 2005 to February 2006.

He leaves behind his wife Jordan Brown and their 3-month old twin daughters Mattie and Marlee, his brother Matt, his parents Becky and Jerry Brown and his grandparents Lee and Barbara Urie.


  1. Brent Boyer from sulphur la26 March, 2012 22:57

    Very sorry to hear about dan my son Michael loved him was a great friend of his when they played baseball together I am very very sorry he will be missed by all

  2. Dan,
    It feels like yesterday we ran the neighborhood raising cane together and causing chaos. You were one person I felt was always a very strong person who everyone looked up to as a big brother. You were my best friend and even though I haven't saw you in years you will always be known as my bestfriend. We just talked a couple a months ago and you told me how you were in the Army and how you were so proud to be fighting for our country. I miss you and wish the best to your wife and kids you never got to meet. I remember the old days playing with Matt in his room on 16th st. He looked up to you so much! I miss you man and felt it was important I take time to tell you how much you really meant to me! God Bless and RIP.

  3. We love you Dan. My God bless your family and your babies. We will see you in Heaven my old friend. Rest in piece. Love you, from your Jerome bros, Stu

  4. Jerome is in mourning, many tears have been shed. Understandably. Dan comes from a wonderful family, the loss is tremendous and painful to comprehend. He was a an asset to his community, his peers, his nation and most certainly to his family.Thank you, Dan for serving so courageously. R.I.P. LOST BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN..

  5. Dan, we didnt exactly grow up together but i had the pleasure of getting to know you through the last four years of school. You walked the halls with the goofiest smile and had a way of making the smile stick with everyone. The one positive thing i can say about this is now my best friend has somebody to play ball with above. I wish i could have gotten to know you more but what i do know is i got one up on those who never had that pleasure. The small town of Jerome is once again deeply scarred by this but i know personally we will celebrate your life every day that passes. My deepest condolences go to your family. The world will be much different without you. You will forever be loved and missed. Rest In Peace good buddy.
    Cody Thompson


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