
Saturday, March 17, 2012

US Army 2nd Lieutenant Clovis Ray

US Army Second Lt. Clovis T. Ray was killed in action on 15th March 2012 when a bomb exploded during a patrol in Kunar province. He leaves behind his wife Shannon and 5-year-old son Dean Aaron.

2Lt. Ray served with the Hawaii-based 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment. This was his first tour of duty in Afghanistan and he was due home next month. He joined the Army in April 2010 and deployed in December last year.

2Lt. Ray's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (posthumous), Purple Heart (posthumous), two Army Commendation Medals, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Bronze Service Star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal (posthumous), Combat Infantry Badge and Parachutist Badge.

His father, Bob Ray, told MySanAntonio, that his son had given up a lucrative career as an investment banker to join the Army. He had worked for Wells Fargo in San Antonio, where he lived for many years. "I had no idea until he called and said, ‘Dad, I've joined the Army, I want to serve my country," his father said.


  1. Rest in Peace! Thanks for your service! Brothes in Arms...German Army Corporal

  2. Rest In Peace my friend! You'll be missed by everyone here!

  3. One of the best I have ever known. Forever in our hearts,.

  4. Your determination and courage has inspired me in so many ways. Our friendship is a great honor and knowing you makes me very proud. I will miss you my brother! - JM

  5. Clovis embodied everything that makes our country great.

  6. We love you and will honor you always..
    God bless you and your Family.

  7. My Freind Nadia her dad knew you, war is horrible I'm sorry that you are gone.
    Thank you for all that you gave

  8. sir,
    it was hard to let you go just before you left you were talking to your son and telling him how much you miss him and all the things you wanted to do when you got back... im sorry dean we couldnt bring your father home he was a good man and a awesome leader.

  9. sir, losing you was so hard to except so close to us getting home it hit us all very hard in the platoon and not a day has gone by that i don't play that day out in my head thinking what could we have done different, what if we had done this instead of that but going through my though's over the past few day i found that we did every thing that we could and you would be so proud of us for try are hardest, and you sir you fought with all you had it was inspirational that even to the end you put it all on the line giving it your all i just hope that one day I'm as strong as you are now as a father, a son, a husband, and a leader i miss you sir and with out you in my life nothing will ever be the same. i just what you to know though sir 3D still fights for you now as you fought for us then. Rest in peace LT. Ray

  10. To the family of Clovis Ray, my sincere condolences to you and everyone who knew him. I did not but I do thank him for serving me and my country. It's people like him that make us and our country strong! God bless him on his new journey. Karen Stone

  11. To the family of 2 LT. Clovis Ray, my son served with LT. Ray and he says he was a stand up guy and he listened to his speech's and took heart to them and he will be missed by all. Thank you for giving your all for our freedom and my son's life is forever changed because of you. Thank you Sir. Nancy Clary-Norman.

  12. I have know Clovis since he was a young boy and watched him grow up. Clovis, Eddie, Jennifer and Bob Ray were just outstanding people. Their parents are extremely blessed to have such a great group of kids. Clovis and Eddie were exceptional high school football players both accepting college scholarships to play at the same school. Clovis and Ed were inseparable. They have friends that love them where ever they go....they are just that type of person. Clovis grew up in a small town...midclass...very intelligent, very athletic, very kind with friends more like brothers and sisters. Such a great great young very sad with this loss. God only knows why he is gone. Clovis...always smiling, always positive, always selfless and forever a champion, a men of men. God bless you Clovis Ray, your wife and beautiful son. You will be missed.

    1. This is exactly what I would have said. My husband has been friends with Clovis since elementary school, they grew up next door to each other. Clovis' friends were not only friends, but family too. My husband and the twins called themselves brothers, that's how close they were, and even Jennifer says he was the other Ray brother :). In the few short years that I knew Clovis, I can say that he was an exceptional friend, father, son, brother, husband,and the list goes on. I have never met anyone like him, and I will never forget him.

    2. Clovis, You were a very dear friend of my Daughter as well as a neighbor.I remember all the school years seeing you as well as your brother grow up from lil children to adults. You were an outstanding football player along with ur brother and my son n law.In a lil town like here, all know that football is taken seriously and that is exactly what you did.I ask Jesus to look over your family. I know He is looking over you Now. You made a decision to join our armed forces and paid the ultimate price BUT NOT IN VAIN..You are a HERO but to us you always were.We will always love you and remember you.

  13. Ray..
    You are a Hero in my heart. As we dealt with the Suck in IBOLC together, we all knew you were a man of great character. I will never forget that 4 mile 85lbs ruck run into freezing rain. Into our frozen BRM experience, just BSing and waiting for our turn to freeze on the line. I also remember talking you into going to Hawaii. I will never forget your sacrifice as a Friend, Father, & Husband. Thank you for helping me become a better person.
    LT Weezie

  14. I worked with Clovis at Citigroup and Wachovia/Wells Fargo. He was an outstanding exception individual. He was always pleasant and always had a kind word. He will be missed by those of us that knew him. God bless his soul.


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