
Sunday, February 26, 2012

US Army Sergeant Joshua Born

25-year-old US Army Sergeant Joshua A. Born, from Niceville, Florida, was killed on 23rd February 2012, in Nangarhar province, by an individual dressed as an Afghan Army soldier who turned his weapon on Sgt. Born and his colleague, Sgt. Timothy Conrad Jr.

Sgt. Born served with the Fort Stewart, Georgia-based 385th Military Police Battalion, 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne), XVIII Airborne Corps. He joined the Army in March 2007 and deployed to Afghanistan in January this year.

Sgt. Born was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal, Combat Action Badge and NATO Medal. He leaves his wife Megan, his parents and other family members.


  1. I'm so sorry! God bless you all with His love & His strength during this time of grief.

    1. I promise we will pray for you!!!! I am sorry for your loss!!. These are such great Men!!!!! Megan, may the Lord bear you up!!!


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