
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SAC Ryan Tomlin killed in action in Helmand

British Senior Aircraftman Ryan Tomlin, of 2 Squadron, Royal Air Force Regiment was killed in action on 13th February 2012 during a patrol in the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand Province. SAC Tomlin was fatally shot when insurgents attacked his unit.

21-year-old SAC Tomlin joined the Royal Air Force in October 2008, completing his Trainee Gunners Course in April 2009 before moving on to the Phase One Field Gunners Course. He was selected to join 2 Squadron, Royal Air Force Regiment, based at Royal Air Force Honington, in June 2009.

He served in Afghanistan in 2010 as a specialist driver on a rifle flight (the RAF Regiment equivalent of a platoon), defending Kandahar Air Base. He deployed on his second tour in Afghanistan in October 2011 with No. 3 RAF Force Protection Wing at Camp Bastion.

Flight Lieutenant David Martin, Deputy Squadron Commander, 2 Squadron, Royal Air Force Regiment, No. 3 RAF Force Protection Wing, said: "Professional, experienced and extremely popular, Senior Aircraftman Tomlin was one of the best gunners in 2 Squadron. He excelled at everything he did and he epitomised the Royal Air Force Regiment spirit in every way. He was hugely respected by his peers and he frequently mentored the younger members of the Squadron. Joining the Squadron in 2009, Senior Aircraftman Tomlin soon proved to be an exceptional marksman, displaying an excellent flair for fieldcraft."

He leaves behind his mother and father, Diane and Kevin, and a sister, Michelle.


  1. RIP brother, thank you for your sacrifice. you will never be forgotten.

  2. RIP comrade, you will never be forgotten

    1. Ryan Tomlin has had such an impact on me. I live in San Diego, USA and saw his profile on YouTube. I cannot understand how such a thing could happen to him. I would greatly be blessed to be contacted by anyone who knew him personally as I would appreciate the details on his passing. (I worry if he felt any pain or had any suffering, if any family or comrades were able to be by his side at this time. Did anyone else suffer any injuries during the incident?) Would anyone need someone to talk to about this terrible tragedy?

      I loved all the clips and film on his life and feel the greatest sympathy to his family and friends and to the UK for the loss of this fantastic man, whose personality and love of life shows through those clips.

      **Ryan, may you be blessed and you are greatly loved by all. Peace.

      Please contact me through email, Thank you, Kathleen


  4. Leanne (Your Cuz) x10 March, 2012 07:34

    R.I.P Ry, you're up there with the best mate, he only takes the best. We all miss ya Ry. Never ever forget you. Always remember your cheeky smile and amazing personlity.

    We may not have spent much time together as adults, but you've left me with some great memories from childhood. And i enjoyed our time together when i took ya on a little drinky tour around Liverpool lol you and your Aussie accent haha.

    Have ya met Mark yet? Hear he's a great lad, don't doubt it for a second. Could see you both getting on like a house on fire.

    Sleep tight Ry, save a spot for me mate, may not see you soon, but i WILL see you again.

    Oh and one more thing... can you see the stars Ry? Are they pretty?

    I'll search, just like everyone else will, for the brightest star in the sky... that's when we'll find you

    There's only one Ryan Tomlin, one Ryan Tomlin, walking along, singing a song, walking in a Tomlin wonderland



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