
Thursday, December 29, 2011

French Foreign Legion CWO Mohammed El Gharrafi

French Foreign Legion Chief Warrant Officer Mohammed El Gharrafi, age 39, was one of two Legionnaires killed by an Afghan soldier on 29th December 2011 in Kapisa.

The two non-commissioned officers, serving with the 2nd Foreign Engineering Regiment (2e REG), belonged to a French Mountain Commando Group. The attack took place during a joint French-Afghan operation in the Alassa Bedraou valley. A rogue Afghan National Army soldier shot and killed the two French Legionnaires.

CWO El Gharrafi joined the Foreign Legion in December 1992. After his initial training in the 4th Foreign Regiment, he joined the 1st Foreign Engineering Regiment. In 1996 he began a two-year deployment with the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment in French Guiana. In 1999, he volunteered to serve in the 2nd Foreign Engineering Regiment and was involved in the formation of a Mountain Commando Group. He was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer on 1 December 2011.

CWO El Gharrafi had deployed on several overseas operations: Bosnia, Tajikistan, Guyana, Lebanon, Djibouti. He deployed to Afghanistan in September.

He leaves a wife and four children.

The other Legionnaire killed was: Sergeant Damien Zingarelli



  2. "Note: the identity of the second Legionnaire killed has not yet been released."

    It shan't.

    "En revanche, conformément aux voeux de la famille du sergent également tué ce matin en Kapisa, aucun élément biographique le concernant ne sera rendu public."

  3. The identity of the second man killed was released by his regiment on 30 December 2011 - Sergeant Damien Zingarelli. RIP

  4. could you write correctly the name of my friend who was fallen in afghanistan the 29 december 2011 mohammed el gharrafi and it is not el gharrafa
    He served with me in the french foreign legion
    thanks for your website
    staff sergeant mustapha BENKREIRA

    1. Thanks for the correction to his name. We apologise for getting it wrong.


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