
Monday, October 24, 2011

US Ranger Pfc. Christopher Horns

An insurgent bomb claimed the life of US Army Private 1st Class Christopher A. Horns, from Colorado Springs, Colorado, along with two other soldiers on 22nd October 2011 in Kandahar province. Pfc. Horns was serving with the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment.

20-year-old Pfc. Horns joined the Army in July 2010 and was assigned as a rifleman to the 75th Ranger Regiment in March this year. This was his first deployment to Afghanistan.

Lt. Col. David Hodne, commander of the 2nd Battalion, paid this tribute to Pfc. Horns: "Courageous and disciplined, he lost his life while pressing the assault in an area known for insurgent activity. He earned the universal respect of seniors and peers alike. We will honor his service and remember his sacrifice."

Pfc. Horns leaves his parents Larry and Tamara Horns, and his sister Tiffany.

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