
Friday, September 16, 2011

US Marine Michael Dutcher

US Marine Corporal Michael J. Dutcher, age 22, from Asheville, North Carolina, died on 15th September while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

Cpl. Dutcher served with the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based at Camp Pendleton, California. He deployed to Afghanistan in April this year and was due home in October.

Michael is survived by many loving family members and friends including his mother, Teresa, his twin brother Timothy, and his fiancee.


  1. Dear Dutcher family, it is with deep regret, and pain in my heart, to attempt to convey how sorry I was to hear of LCPL Dutchers death. When will it end? I plan on being at veterans cemetary when Michael is interred. Being former military myself,1966-1971, I still cannot hold back the flood of tears when one of our young HEROES HAS FALLEN. God bless you & yours, hopefully the pain will lessen for you over the years, I have lost more friends and family than care too remember, and the older I get the deeper the pain. SEMPER FIDELIS Michael! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE. CPO S/T ONE BUDS CLASS 17...

  2. Our Thoughts and Prayers are with your Family. No words can ever express my sorrow for your loss. R.I.P. Cpl Dutcher. Thank You for Your Sacrifice. God Bless Our Fine Warriors. Semper Fi from a Marine Dad.


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