
Monday, August 8, 2011

US Ranger Sergeant Alessandro Plutino

US Army Sergeant Alessandro "Sandrino" Plutino, a Rifle Team Leader in B Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment was killed in action in Paktia province, Afghanistan on 8th August 2011 by enemy gunfire while leading his Rangers in an assault.

Sgt. Plutino was on his third tour in Afghanistan after completing three tours in Iraq. He was due to return home to Pitman, New Jersey in 15 days and looked forward to seeing his mother Dianne, father Sandro, sister Brenna and fiancée Natalie Layton.

More information to follow.


  1. Your father is my neighbor and always glows when he talks about you. May you go home now knowing you have done a job that so few dare to do. God Bless you Alessandro,
    From a fellow vet.

  2. Il Consiglio Comunale di Palizzi (RC - Italia) nella seduta odierna ha ricordato ed onorato, con un minuto di silenzio, il giovane Alessandro Plutino, di anni 29, Sergente del Corpo dei Ranger degli Stati Uniti d'America, caduto in battaglia in terra afgana.
    Il Consiglio Comunale all'unanimità dei presenti ha espresso sentite condoglianze al padre, Sandro Plutino, alla madre, Dianne Hammond, alla sorella Brenna ed alla nonna Carmelina.
    Alessandro, come tutta la sua famiglia, nutriva un amore particolare per la terra di Palizzi, amore che ha portato suo nonno, Bruno Salvatore, ad esprimere la volontà di essere sepolto proprio nella sua Palizzi.

    Davide Plutino
    Consigliere Comunale di Palizzi

  3. You probably don't remember us. We were friends of the family long ago. God bless you for your service to this country. You will be remembered. Love & sorrow to your family

  4. caro Sandro,
    ti giungano le nostre più sentite condoglianze per la dolorosa e tragica perdita di tuo figlio Alessandro .
    eloisa e daniele magherini

  5. I think you was a nice guy. i´m so sorry!
    Betty Bizarre

  6. Thank you for your service Sandrino. May the trust of Christ keep your family.


    Vietnam Veteran


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