
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

US Army 1st. Lieutenant Damon Leehan

Oklahoma Army National Guard officer, 1st Lt. Damon T. Leehan, was killed in action on Sunday 14th August 2011 when his patrol vehicle struck a road mine in the Alingar district of Laghman Province.

30-year-old 1Lt. Leehan was a platoon leader with Company A, 1st Battalion, 179 Infantry Regiment, based in Edmond. He joined the National Guard in 1988 and was on his third combat tour of Afghanistan.

1Lt. Leehan leaves his wife Audrey Leehan and two children, Emma and Ethan. The Leehans were expecting to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary on 17th September.


  1. 1LT Roy Newnam A Troop 1/180th CAV, 45th IBCT17 August, 2011 03:08

    I had the honor serving with Damon. I met him while we were candidates at OCS. He was an all around great man and leader. He is going to be dearly missed. God speed brother.

  2. We at Camp Shelby where he did his MOB train-up are saddened to hear of the tragic losses Okalahoma has taken in such a short time. We morn with your friends and family LT, rest in peace now brother.

  3. If you want to donate to the Leehan family who is now without a breadwinner, please visit the family website...paypal accepted


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