
Thursday, July 7, 2011

US Army Spc. Preston J. Suter

US Army Specialist Preston J. Suter, from Sandy, Utah, was one of three soldiers killed in action in Afghanistan on Tuesday 5th July 2011. He was riding in a patrol vehicle in Paktia province when a roadside bomb detonated beside it.

22-year-old Spc. Suter was based in Germany and served with the 709th Military Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command.

More information to follow.


  1. We will always miss you Suter. Our prayers are with your families.

  2. RIP in piece fallen comrades. You'll be missed. Strike Deep, Strike Hard.

  3. I love you brother... your a hero and never will be forgotten! echo 787 and 527 mp co ive been with you since the beginning.

  4. Preston,

    Gonna miss you man. Sorry I wasn't there with ya. Basketball will never be the same!

  5. Rest in peace Suter my old roomie. "Strike Deep"

  6. Damn you Afghanistan....... You and you people that dont care about changing. I'll miss you brother hope we dont loose anymore from 527th Co.

  7. im remey an he been my best friend since 5th grade . u know how i feel bout u man

  8. RIP Suter, my heartfelt sympathy for your wife and family. I will never forget the good times we had together, I wish we would have spent more time together though. I am sure you are in a better place now. Please watch over your battles and all the other soldiers out there. "Land of the Free Because of the Brave". You are a true hero.

    Strike Deep!!

  9. No words to express my sorrow to Preston's family. The pain cannot be softened with words. May you find peace in knowing that you raised a strong and courageous man, willing to lay down his life for his country. My love to you. Gold Star mother of LCPL Olsen, KIA 3-4-10 Afghanistan.


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