
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

US Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher Camero

US Marine Lance Corporal Christopher L. Camero died on 15th July 2011 from wounds suffered on 6th July while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

The 19-year-old, from Kailia Kona, Hawaii, served with the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division based at Twentynine Palms, California.

Friends of L-Cpl. Camero posted the news of his death on the Internet, saying he had stepped on a homemade bomb while on a patrol, his legs had to be amputated and that he had been on life support since being wounded.

L-Cpl. Camero chronicled his deployment to Afghanistan on his Facebook page, posting photos of himself on a plane heading for Germany, then Kyrgyzstan, arriving in Afghanistan on 12th April.

His unit of about 1,000 Marines patrols Nahr-e-saraj district south of Sangin, where some of the heaviest recent fighting has occurred, and north of Lashkar Gah in Helmand province.


  1. The US is proud of you, Hawaii is proud of You, and your town of Honokaa is proud of you!!!

  2. When will the madness end and people speak out against our sons being used by governments as disposable goods for truths that we are not being told. Wake up - America. This did not have to happen!

  3. Thank you to his family for raising this marine with the pride, strength and courage. He did what we all signed up for, fight and if necessary die for our nation, our beliefs, ideals, and freedom. Oohrah devil dog and thank you

  4. My wife and I, her cousin and husband returned from Kailua-Kona on the Big Island of Hawai'i this past Wednesday. We had some time on our hands before our 8:51 PM flight Thursday so we decided that after checking out of the hotel we'd drive and explore a little more of the island. We had seen the Veterans Cemetery of West Hawai'i a few days before on our travels up and down Highway 19 in Kona and thought we'd stop by there for a few moments.

    As we walked this beautiful site separately, I noticed a lady about 50 yards away laying some flowers on a burial plot. Then, as I was standing under a reception area shelter which housed the emblems of each of the US Military Branch, the lady approached to discard something into the nearby trash can.

    I don't know why but I decided to engage her and asked if she was visiting a late relative. She said she had just laid some flowers on the grave of her son. I was surprised as most of the graves I had just seen were mostly WWII veterans of the Pacific Theatre. I asked in which branch her son had served and she said he was a Marine and had been killed in Afghanistan. I introduced myself as a retired Marine and she introduced her self as "Norma Camero." She was the mother of Lance Corporal Christopher L. Camero.

    I asked her if I could visit her son's grave and she escorted to the site. Mrs. Camero is a strong and proud mother. She spoke of her son with calm and grace while I almost lost my composure. I offered a hug and expressed my sorrow for her loss and thanks for her and her son's service. That's about all I could do... there's really nothing any one can say to someone who has lost a child.

    Thank you Lance Corporal Camero for your service and sacrifice. Thank you Miss Norma for sharing a little of your time while visiting your son. I will lift him up to The Lord this Sunday at Church.


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