
Thursday, July 14, 2011

French Paratroop Warrant Officer Jean-Marc Gueniat

French Paratroop Warrant Officer Jean-Marc Gueniat, age 37, was one of five French soldiers killed on 13th July 2011 while attending a meeting with village elders in the village of Joybar, Kapisa province. They were all killed when a suicide bomber detonated a bomb.

WO Gueniat served with the 17th Parachute Engineer Regiment. He joined the Regiment in April 1994 and during his military career served in the Central African Republic, former Yugoslavia, New Caledonia and Ivory Coast. 

He deployed to Afghanistan in May this year with the Lafayette Task Force, Battle Group Raptor.

WO Gueniat leaves his wife and two children.


  1. Salut a toi camarade

  2. James Beacher15 July, 2011 09:37

    RIP soldier. I didn't know you but I will remember you.


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