
Monday, July 11, 2011

French Army Brigadier Clément Kovac

22-year-old French Army Brigadier Clement Kovac was killed on 11th July 2011 when a colleague accidentally shot him. The incident happened at Operating Base Hutnik in Kapisa province, Afghanistan. He served with the 1st Regiment of Chasseurs.

Brig. Kovac had previously served in New Caledonia and deployed to Afghanistan on 2nd June 2011 as a crew member in a AMX-10 light tank.

His commanding officer said of Brig. Kovak that he was "noted for his sense of responsibility" and that he had "a very good state of mind in all missions he participated in.

The young soldier had been awarded the National Defense Medal (bronze level).


  1. On ne t'oublira pas camarade

  2. James Beacher15 July, 2011 09:42

    RIP soldier. I didn't know you but I will remember you.

  3. Jamais nous vous oublierons Clément Kovak. Villers Carbonnel a perdu un des siens. Votre courage est exemplaire. Vous n'avez pas reculé devant l'ennemi. Reposez en paix. Mes plus sincères condoléances à vos familles...


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