
Monday, June 13, 2011

US Marine L-Cpl. Joshua McDaniels

21-year-old US Marine, Lance Corporal Joshua B. McDaniels from Dublin, Ohio, died on 12th June 2011 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was killed from the blast of a roadside bomb.

L-Cpl. McDaniels, age 21, served with 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

As a combat engineer, L-Cpl. McDaniels was involved in bomb-disposal work. He joined the Marines in 2009 and deployed to Afghanistan in March this year.

He leaves his wife, Adrianna whom he married in September last year, his parents Brent and Janice, two brothers and a sister.


  1. forever you will be in our hearts JOSH you are an amazing hero to all of us. and i love you dearly and i love Adrianna and i will be there for her not matter what. R I P your family is in our thoughts and prayers as you did what you loved best serving our country and doing it proudly

  2. I am going to miss you brother. You were one of my greatest friends.

  3. My heart goes out to Adrianna ..she is part of my extended family and I never go the chance to meet Josh, but I have heard such great things about him ..thank you to all of the great men and women who risk their lives everyday and pay some pay the ultimate price. My heart goes out to all of the families of these soliders.

  4. Erik McDaniels20 June, 2011 09:16

    My Nephew, you are and always will be my hero. I thank you for what you did.I always knew what kind of man you were and I never doubted your honor and courage. The Marine at your memorial said he looked up to you, he said he heard that you looked up to him, I was thinking I looked up to you too. It was my honor to speak for you. Love Your Uncle Erik

  5. RIP Josh...Thank you for your courage and bravery to our country..Your fellow brothers of the USMC will never ever forget you. God Bless!

  6. Joshua 1:9
    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    Gone but not forgotten. RIP Marine!

  7. Josh its been almost a year since you passed, still havn't forgotten you. Never will by any means. R.I.P soldier

  8. We here in Alpha co. still think of you on a daily basis, still feels weird not seeing you around and it hurts my heart to know you had to go but your with us every step of the way combat or garrison. Condolences to the family and may God bless you all

  9. Thank you for your selfless sacrifice. I've heard you didn't even have to go out that day, you volunteered. You are a hero, and reflect the highest traditions of bravery, sacrifice, and honor in the Unites States, the U.S.M.C, and the whole Naval Service. I pray for your family, and that your sacrifice will never be forgotten. The Columbus area is a far sadder place without you.


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