
Monday, June 27, 2011

US Army 1st. Lieutenant Dimitri Del Castillo

US Army First Lieutenant Dimitri A. Del Castillo was killed in action on 25th June 2011 in Kunar, Afghanistan during an engagement with enemy forces who attacked his unit with small arms fire.

1Lt. Del Castillo, age 24, served with the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. He graduated from West Point in 2009.

1Lt. Castillo earned his Airborne patch at the Academy and Ranger School in May 2011. His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Combat Infantry Badge, Expert Infantry Badge, Parachutist Badge, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Overseas Ribbon, Army Good Conduct Medal and the NATO Medal.

He leaves his wife Katie, a fellow graduate of the Military Academy at West Point.
He is also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Del Castillo, his brother, Carlos Andres and sister Anna.


  1. I'm floored. What can a person say in view of such an enormous loss - for all of us, but especially for Katie (his fiancé) and his family.

    Below was their wedding announcement:

  2. Catherine and Carlos,
    There are no words to express our sincere and heartfelt sadness on the loss of your precious boy, Dimitri. Just know that there are many who love you and are standing with you to lift you up high to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May He hold you in His loving, comforting and merciful hands, as you walk this difficult path. God bless you both and your family.

    Rick & Peggy Tennant

  3. He was a wonder brother, friend, and family member to many. We cannot understand your grief and cannot say enough to let you know how much you are loved.

  4. Our hearts are aching over this loss. Our prayers are with the Del Castillo and Pulliam families at this time. There are no words...

  5. Catherine and Carlos,

    Dimitri will be missed by all, he has touched many of our lives in such a positive way. He will always be with us and will always be close to our thoughts.

    He will never be forgotten. Your son was an amazing inspiration and the light he brought into everyones life will continue on.


  6. Thank you for your service and sacrifice Sir.

  7. Catherine and Carlos,

    I'm very sorry to hear about Dimitri. He was a fine man, a true American hero and I was proud to know him. I know your faith in God will help you thru this time of sorrow. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Dan M.

  8. Please know that all over the country, tears are shed and prayers are said for you and all who new and loved Dimitri.

    As the mother of an 09 grad, I understand the pride of parenting an outstanding young man and the risk taken in their chosen path.

    I pray for peace and comfort.

  9. My thoughts, tears and prayers are with you all, peace be with you.
    A West Point Mom.

  10. Catherine, Carlos and Andres,

    What a shock. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Libby Clark

  11. Our deepest sympathies....prayers for Katie and both families.

  12. Words cannot express the grief we feel over the loss of this hero. Our son, also from Christ the King Catholic Church is now serving in Afghanistan. May God bless this warrior and his family.

    Judge Gregory Holder
    Colonel, USAFR (Retired)

  13. There are no words
    just deep sadness.
    Such a huge loss.
    I'm so sorry

    The Mitchener family

  14. Christine Kennard27 June, 2011 20:32

    I attent St. Charles Borromeo CAtholic Church with this young man's grandmother, Kay, who is a beautiful, loving, sweet and precious woman. We at St. Charles are all grieving and praying for this young man and his family. RIP brave young man!!!!

  15. My husband and I will keep this beautiful Patriot in our prayers, along with his loving fiance and family.

  16. Dearest Catherine, Carlos, Anna, Andres and family,

    There are simply no words to express the depth of our love, respect, appreciation and sympathy in this time of unspeakable loss. Please know our most fervent thoughts and prayers are with you.

    God bless you and comfort you with the assurance that Dimitri, a hero for an entire nation, is now resting and enjoying wonderful peace in the full glory of our Lord. You will see him again, and in the meantime, the beautiful memories founded in loving family times and great friend times will give you strength.

    We are so very sorry. We love you.

    The Raymond Family

  17. We will pray for the soul of your son. May he be resting in peace with Jesus and all of the Angels and Saints.

  18. Thanks Del.

  19. great kid who was a role model for me and my brothers growing up, lived in my neighborhood. cant even begin to express in words the sadness my family and I are feeling right now. our thoughts and prayers go out to the del castillo family. may he rest in peace. god bless

  20. Carlos and family

    We are so deeply saddened to hear the news of your son. There are no words to express our sorrow for you all. Your family is in our hearts and our prayers as you move through the days ahead and beyond. May God hold you all close and give you comfort.

    Sebastian and Fiona Festa

  21. There are no words to express the depth of sadness that we feel for your family. We can only pray for peace that passes all understanding to be with you over the coming days and weeks. Your son is a hero and we are so grateful for his service and sacrifice. May God bring you great comfort.
    John 15:13
    The Bauman Family

  22. Debbie Campbell27 June, 2011 23:36

    A brave young man with the will to fight for his country, family, & friends. Our grief is overwhelming. My son, a buddy of Lt. Castillo, is there, too. May God bring them all home soon. Praying for you, dear ones.

  23. No words can suffice for the sorrow his family, fiance and friends are feeling. Please find solace in his peace and know that our family will raise you up in prayer and hold our hearts open for the love that Dimitri would have wanted us all to share.
    The Readinger Family

  24. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. It is so heartbreaking...

    Frank, Donna, Frank & Phillip Coselli

  25. Anna & the Del Castillo Family,

    I remember how Dimitri's younger sister Anna would always talk about how much Dimitri loved his country. His passion was to go out, protect, and do whatever he had to do in order for us to live in a safe and protected environment. It is brave soldiers like Dimitri who gave it all he had in combat in order for us to live in this great country how we do. His parents Catherine & Carlos knew it was dangerous out there, but in their heart they knew Dimitri knew how he wanted to live his life, And that was to do whatever it took to protect his family and everyone in this amazing country. I never met Dimitri, but I know his parents and his sister Anna. I know God is with you guys, this is when family & friends are needed the most. My prayers are with the Del Castillo's.

    *God Bless and RIP Dimitri Del Castillo*

    -Jorge Garcia

  26. Dear Catherine and Carlos and family
    I'm so sad to get this news. I wish you all the strength you need to get you through this difficult time. Dimitri was a fine young man you can be so proud of. I can't imagine the sense of loss you must be feeling right now. It's difficult to find the best words to express but I hope you are able to find peace and comfort.
    Much love to you all, rest in peace Dimitri
    Birgit Jones

  27. Dear Carlos, Catherine, Andres, and Anna,
    I can not put into the words the sadness and shock our family went through yesterday finding out the news about Dimitri. Our sons feel like they have lost a brother and of course a long time friend. Many Sunday family dinners were spent talking about Dimitri, and his progress in his training and work in the Army. We know that he died protecting us and he will always be respected for that as we hold him close to our hearts. We are thinking about you and praying for your family and Katie. Always know what a wonderful young man we thought he was and how much we loved him.
    The Armes Family

  28. Dear Catherine and Carlos,
    I was so saddened when I heard the news from Mollie. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. May God wrap his loving arms around you and help to bring you peace and comfort.

    Kathy Davis Williams

  29. Dear Catherine and Carlos-
    We are heartbroken by the loss of Dimitri. Our prayers are with you, Andres and Anna that you find comfort in the arms of Jesus Christ. We were honored by the privilege to know him and recognize the selfless sacrifice Dimitri gave for our nation. We love you-
    The Del Canto family,

  30. Carlos y Catherine: No hay palabras, sólo sepan que Dimitri siempre estará en nuestro corazón y ustedes en nuestras oraciones.
    Flor, Manuel y Luis Carlos.

  31. Carlos and family,
    We are lifting you and your family in prayer protection during your time of grieving.

  32. Dear Catherine and Carlos,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
    We are sorry for your loss.
    John and Linda Annis

  33. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve the loss of your beloved son & brother Dimitri.
    Jeff & Julie Reed

  34. Dearest Katie and family--

    Our hearts are deeply grieved with you in the loss of your husband, son, and brother. We are praying for the grace, mercy, and tenderness of the Lord to be felt in this time... I am so grateful for Dimitri's service and am so sad to never have met him-- but you loved him, Katie, and that tells me that he was an incredible man.

    Don and Samantha

  35. There are no words to express the depth of sadness that we feel for your family.
    We always remember Dimitri as a wonderful caring, brave young man.
    We can only pray for peace that passes all understanding to be with you over the coming days and weeks. May he rest in peace.
    Love, The Curry's Family.

  36. You never forget your first crush. Dimitri won me over in the 4th grade. He was always so cute and so funny. When the Del Castillo's moved away in fifth grade, I was heartbroken. When they moved back our freshman year in high school, I was so thrilled to have Dimitri back in my life. We became even better friends throught those 4 years and I knew he would graduate and go on to do amazing things.

    Once again I am heartbroken and my heart breaks even more for his family and fiance Katie. You all are in my thoughts during this difficult time. May your sadness be replaced with happy memories of his life. He was an amazing person and friend.

    Randi Eisenshtat

  37. The Spencer Family28 June, 2011 13:04

    Catherine and Carlos and Family,
    May your Hearts Heal, your Prayer's Be Answered everyday, as your Dimitri will be missed dearly. And our Paula sends her thoughts and prayers to little sister Anna (her choir mate) may she find peace in your strength as well. We will keep all of you in our Prayers and Dimitri in our memories. And Thank him for giving us the Freedom we still have. The Spencer Family and The Taylor High Family have lost a very dear friend.

  38. The McNulty Family28 June, 2011 13:56

    Dear Catherine, Carlos, Anna and Andres,
    Please know that our thoughts are with you at this time. Nina and I will be praying for all of you. So wish we could be with you during your time of sorrow.

    The McNulty's

  39. Grant Lichtman28 June, 2011 14:06

    Catherine and Carlos and the family,

    I just got the email from Josh via Matthew's Facebook page and am just in shock. Dmitri was just a wonderful boy to know and a great friend of our kids'. I have had the honor to work with groups of West Point cadets the last two years, and they are the finest of the finest we have in America; we did not know Dmitri was there but it does not surprise me. We cannot begin to understand the pain that you all are feeling, yet know that his sacrafice was made so the rest of us can be more free from the fear and tyranny that is unfortunately exported from that part of the world. Our thoughts and deep prayers are with you.

    Grant, Julie, Josh, and Cassidy Lichtman

  40. Here's a story at a Katy newspaper.

  41. Be Thou At Peace

    Stan, Cindy, 2Lt. Chris Brown (USMA'10) and Jennifer

  42. Dear Catherine, Carlos, Anna and Andres,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of the family. So heartbroken for your loss. I am sad that I never had the chance to meet Dimitri, but so proud to say he was family. God Bless you all in your time of sorrow.

    Sarah and Mark Floyd

  43. We are so sorry about the loss of your son. May God comfort you and give you His strength now and in the days ahead. We thank you for your son's life and respect his service and sacrifice.

  44. There are no words to say. May God be with all of you.

  45. On behalf of his fellow class of 2005 graduates from Taylor high school, may I just say he will be missed. May prayers be with you all in this hard time, and peace be with you. Rest in peace!!!

  46. Dear Del Castillo Family,
    Our family met your amazing son Dimitri when he shared a graduation party with our nephew and Godson Philip Armes. We followed his journey through West Point and were so very proud of his accomplishments. Our hearts go out to your family during this difficult time. We know how much he will be missed. We will be praying for all of you and we know that your faith in God will see you through. God Bless you.
    The Avalos family

  47. From Zaragoza, Spain.

    Desde aquí no tenemos palabras para describir cómo nos sentimos tras la terrible noticia. Conocimos a Dimitri en su estancia en España hace unos años y personalmente me pareció una persona encantadora.

    Rest in Peace Dimitri.

  48. Carlos, Catherine, Andres and Anna,

    Our hearts ache with yours for the tragic loss of your precious son.May your faith and the love of family and friends help you through this difficult time. Our prayers are with you all.
    The Karapasha Family

  49. Catherine, Carlos, and family,

    We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved son, brother, and husband Dimitri. May it be some comfort to know that many who have known your family throughout the years have you in their thoughts and prayers. Dimitri was a courageous young man of great conviction whose spirit and positive life force will not be forgotten. We grieve along with you.

    Tina, Larry and Austin Stanley

  50. We are so proud that Dimitri was part of our family. He is our hero and we are sad to loose this wonderful man. Our heart are heavy now, but thankful Katie is home. Dimitri would have wanted that. God bless the Army for sending her home to be with us all. She is a bright sunshine to us all and we will always see Dimitri in her face. Our prayers are with the family of Dimitri. All our love!!
    Lisa and Tim

  51. Your spanish family is proud of you. We love you and never forget you !!!

  52. Kristen Petronio29 June, 2011 11:48

    My heart aches for your whole family and friends. He Is a Hero to so many that do not even know him for fighting for our country. Reading through his facebook comments and speaking with some of his family makes me see what an amazing man, son, husband, friend he was to so many. It seems he was full of life, full of encouragement to so many, full of love, and full of dedication. We as a country lost a good man that was a great asset to our future. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. God Bless you all to give you the strength to get through this tragic time.

  53. Catherine, Carlos, Andres, and Anna,
    Gary and I send our love, support, and prayers in this time of unimaginable sorrow. Our hearts ache deeply for you, but also for our country, losing a national treasure. May God hold you in the palm of His Hand. The Perkins

  54. Peace be with you.

  55. Carlos, Catherine, Andres and Anna,
    Please know how much you are thought of at this time. Our hearts ache at what you are going through. We mourn Dimitri as if he were our own and will remember him as the happy little boy and young man we grew to know and respect. May God wrap his arms around you and your family and embrace you with his mercy and love. We will celebrate Dimitri by living our lives to the fullest as he did. Love to you all and also to Katie. We are truly so sorry for the loss of this fine young man and American hero.
    Greg and Ellen, Nick and Mike Kubala
    Your Katy neighbors

  56. Dear Catherine, Carlos, Andres, Anna and Katie,
    Our hearts are breaking for you at this incredibly difficult time. We are so saddened and sorry for your loss. Dimitri is our hero. You will forever be in our hearts as we go through our daily lives enjoying the freedom that Dimitri has given us. Your faith is strong, of this I am sure. I give back to you two prayer cards that you gave to us in Familia in 2003. I'm praying them for you now. Trust in God and Mothers Petition to Mary. Keep strong, you are loved. Love to you all. Elizabeth and Reed Jordan

  57. Dearest Catherine, Carlos, Andres, and Anna,
    I am so overwhelmed with sadness for all of you. I empathize with your pain and grief. What an immense loss, but what joy in that his death was so honorable and heroic. From all the postings, Dimitri apparently had a wonderful impact on many lives. His life was well lived.
    His new home in heaven with Our Lord has many splendid people there--Mary Susan, Papa Fil, the Els', Ali, etc!
    The family (me, Mama, Stephen, Sherry, Noonie, Nina, Mary and our families)is gathering this Sunday to have a private memorial Mass for Dimtri and Mary Susan. May perpetual light shine upon them.
    Love and Kisses---Sally

  58. Dear Catherine,

    I am so heart sick to hear about your precious son, Dimitri. Even though I haven't seen you in many years, I still remember being in BSF with you and praying for him and our other children..I can still the joy and smile on your face when you spoke of him. He is a Great American! Words cannot express the appreciation and respect I, my family and our country have for this wonderful young man. I pray for God's peace and comfort over you, your family and Katie and her family as well...God Bless You and God Bless America..

    Tena Backhaus and Family
    Katy, Texas

  59. Dear Carlos and Katherine:
    We are very sorry for your loss. We hope God gives you the strenght you need to go on. Don't you ever forget that your family here in México loves you and that you are always in our prayers.
    We will miss him too.
    We love you all:
    Nena, Abelardo, Gabby, Adriana, and Abelardo JR Romero Ruano.

  60. Dear Carlos and family,
    I'm at a loss for words - my heart sunk when I heard this news today. My words of comfort are as feeble as life is fragile. I'm sure your precious son is with our Father and hopefully there is comfort for you in that fact.
    Hugs to you all - Janet McCann

  61. Our son Zach served with Dimitri and said he was one of the best leaders he ever experienced. He was a great teacher and a shining example for the men in his platoon. Our son was injured in the same attack that Dimitri was in and is recovering at Walter Reed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Linda Herrick


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