
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rifleman Martin Lamb (1 RIFLES)

British Army Rifleman Martin Jon Lamb from 1st Battalion The Rifles was killed in Afghanistan on Sunday 5th June 2011. He was killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) while on a patrol in the Haji Kareen area of the Nahr-e Saraj (South) district.

Rfn Lamb was born on the 26 April 1984 in Gloucester. He joined the Army in September 2003. He passed the All Arms Commando Course before taking up post in the newly formed regiment of The Rifles. He served with distinction in the prestigious Reconnaissance Platoon of 1st Battalion The Rifles (1 RIFLES).

Rfn Lamb leaves behind a loving wife Melissa and two-year-old daughter Rosie.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for his family...his wife and daughter. Always heartbreaking. You are not forgotten, rest in peace.


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