
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Italian Embassy official Cristiano Congiu

Italian anti-narcotics Police Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Cristiano Congiu was killed in Afghanistan last week.

Lt. Col. Congiu had worked at the Italian embassy in Kabul for four years. His assignment ended on 31st May, and he travelled to the Mokni Valley in Panjsher province to visit emerald mines with an un-named American woman and an Afghan interpreter.

There are different versions of the circumstances surrounding his death. Some Afghan sources say he was beaten to death by a mob after he shot a local man who had assaulted his female companion. Other sources say he was shot by locals.

50-year-old Lt. Col. Congiu, from Rome, leaves a wife and daughter who live in Pontecorvo, Italy.

Italian officials are still investigating the killing.

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