
Thursday, June 2, 2011

German Army Hauptfeldwebel Tobias Langenstein

German Army Hauptfeldwebel Tobias Langenstein, aged 31, was killed by a suicide bomber in Kunduz province, Afghanistan on 28th May 2011.

He served with 152 Military Police Battalion, based in Hanover, Germany.

Hauptfeldwebel Langenstein was at a meeting in Takhar that included the governor of Kunduz province. As the meeting ended, an Afghan policeman approached the group and detonated a bomb attached to his vest.


  1. Rest in Peace my friend.... we´ll miss you.

  2. RIP Tobias ! Danke das du für meine Freiheit und Frieden gekämpft hast ! Dank euch allen Ihr Tapferen Ritter der Neuzeit !!

  3. R.I.P

    I'm so sorry for him and his family!

    But by the way Hauptfeldwebel = Sergeant First Class

  4. Tobi

    ich wünsche dir alles gute auf deinem neuen Weg!
    Du wirst mir immer ein guter Freund und Kamerad bleiben.

    OFw Jörg M.

  5. Ich vermisse deine art, dein lachen, deine lässigkeit einfach alles.

  6. Werde dich nie vergessen, R I P...


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