
Saturday, June 18, 2011

British Army Craftsman Andrew Found

British Army Craftsman Andrew Found, was killed by the blast of a roadside bomb on Thursday 16th June 2011 in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

Craftsman Found, from the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, was serving with the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards.

The incident happened near Adinza’i in the Gereshk Valley area, within the northern Nahr-e Saraj District of Helmand Province. His squadron were targeting insurgents in that area. During the operation, an armoured patrol vehicle struck a road mine which disabled the vehicle and injured its crew. As the Recovery Mechanic, Craftsman Found was assessing the damage to the vehicle when he was caught in a secondary explosion in which he was fatally wounded.

Craftsman Found was married to Samantha and they had one son, Jaxson. He was also father to Michael from a previous relationship.

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