
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

U.S Military Contractor, Paul Almryde

US Military contractor, Paul Almryde, aged 46 was killed in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan on 16th April 2011. A Taliban suicide bomber dressed as an Afghan soldier infiltrated a joint US-Afghan Army base.

Mr. Almryde was working for military contractor MPRI in Afghanistan as part of the Afghan National Army Corps support battalion. He was working as a mechanic teaching Afghan troops how to repair vehicles.

He had served in the military for 21 years, with 12 years of active service in the Army and 9 years in the National Guard, before retiring in 2010 as a Master Sergeant. He joined MPRI in May 2010 and was planning to sign another year-long contract with MPRI.

The attack also claimed the lives of five American soldiers of the 101st Airborne, and four Afghan soldiers.

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