
Monday, April 25, 2011

US Army Captain Joshua McClimans

Capt. McClimans
US Army Reserve, Captain Joshua McClimans, aged 30, from Pennsylvania was killed Friday 22nd April 2011 near Kabul, Afghanistan.

His grandmother, Esther McClimans, told reporters in Jamestown that her grandson had been shot be a sniper. She said that Army officials came to the town about 75 miles northwest of Pittsburgh to notify Michael McClimans, the soldier's father. 

The Army says Capt. McClimans was on his way to work at an Army hospital when he was shot.

He would have turned 31 on 12th May.

McClimans graduated in 1998 from Jamestown High School, near the Ohio border. In recent months he lived near Akron, where he has a 6-year-old son and had planned to continue schooling to become an anesthetic nurse.


  1. Josh has given the ultimate sacrifice for our country that we may have the freedom that we all enjoy. Thank you Josh! May God Bless your family.

  2. Today was the most people i have seen in our small town of 600. Josh deserved every amount of respect he was given

  3. I do not know any of these brave soldiers, yet I cry for each of them and their families. If it were possible,I would personally thank them all for what they have done and given to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and it's people. May God's love and streangth wrap and hold the family members of these soldiers.

  4. He also had a daughter in Middle School almost High School. She miss him so much. R.I.P Captain Joshua McClimans


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