
Friday, April 1, 2011

Swedish UN worker Joakim Dungel

Joakim Dungel, aged 33, from Sweden was killed on 1st April 2011 as a result of a violent demonstration in Mazar-i-Sharif.

Mr. Dungel, a lawyer, was working as a human rights officer for the United Nations. He had previously worked with the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, Netherlands, on war crime trials relating to the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.

He followed his passion for defending human rights to some of the most difficult places in the world. Before moving to Afghanistan in 2011, he worked for the UN in Lebanon and with the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

Four Nepalese guards were also killed along with two other foreign UN workers, Siri Skare from Norway and Filaret Motco from Romania. 

The previous day, but on a different continent, fellow Swede and aid worker, Zahra Abidi was killed in Ivory Coast, Africa.


  1. Jo', may you rest in peace. You'll always be in my heart. Vincent.

  2. Rest in Peace, Joakim...

  3. Your work will life on; we shall carry it on for you. Karen

  4. I take issue with your comments, "Hope the evil bigoted American preacher who caused this gets his just deserve!" The man burned a book, they mutilated and executed people who where there to help them. The ignorant mob who did this are responsible, no one else. We do not see Westerners going out as an angry mob after any of the endless Muslim atrocities towards non Muslims. It is a shame the UN is so irresponsible that they would put their personnel in the position where such a thing could happen. Those responsible along with those who stood by and did nothing while it happened should all be executed. Western nations should leave the Muslim and let them go back to the 13th century where they deserve to live.

  5. My dear Joakim,
    I remember talking about the option of how we were going to make this work while you were studying at NYU, and the idea of taking the Bar exam crossed your mind,but your heart for humanitarian causes was much bigger, your determination to help others was incredible and so you obtained this opportunity at UN, and you loved it, a great heart, amazing human being has being lost, I will miss your wise advices, your sense of humor, your realism with a joly note.
    We will be missed forever,RIP my love.

  6. I never knew you. I never met you. But tomorrow when I wake, I will remember you.

  7. Ruhe in Frieden, großer Krieger. Mit Dir verlässt mich ein bester Freund, und der Platz, den Du eingenommen hast, wird immer frei bleiben, gefüllt nur mit meinen Erinnerungen an die große Zeit mit dem Dungelmeister.

  8. As I know you, Joakim, you would actually laugh of this picture showing you in the TIPH uniform, while in fact you were now working for UNAMA. Things around are always a bit confused and blurred, but you, my dear friend, have always been an island of clarity and wisdom. In the work and life you have chosen, and that I share with you, there are not so many people you consider real friends, who can resist time and distance. You have been a real friend for me, and you will always be! Ciao "nerd", sempre tuo Stefano

  9. Forever in our hearts.


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