
Friday, March 11, 2011

British soldier, Lance Corporal Stephen McKee

Stephen McKee
Lance Corporal Stephen McKee, of the Royal Irish Regiment, was killed on 9th March 2011, during an operation to disrupt insurgent activity in the northern Dashte area of Nad-e Ali district. His vehicle struck an improvised explosive device. 

Lance Corporal McKee, aged 27, came from Banbridge in County Down, Northern Ireland. In 2003 he joined 3rd Battalion, The Royal Irish Regiment as a part-time soldier. When the Home Service were disbanded he decided to transfer to 1st Battalion, The Royal Irish Regiment and he joined them at Tern Hill, Shropshire, in April 2007.

He was posted to B Company, where he served with distinction for 3 years before moving to the Machine Gun Platoon in D Company in 2010. He first deployed on Op HERRICK 8 in March 2008 and was quickly recognised as a fine soldier, trustworthy and courageous.

He leaves behind his wife Carley, his two parents, three brothers and two sisters.

1 comment:

  1. RIP soldier.
    You made the ultimate sacrifice for people like me. I never knew you but I will remember you.


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