
Friday, January 8, 2010

Danish soldier dies in bomb blast

Simon Hoffmann
A 23 year-old Danish soldier, Simon Sejer Hoffmann, a Private with 2nd Danish Light Reconnaisance Squadron was killed on 8th January 2010, when the patrol vehicle he was hit by a roadside bomb.

Five other soldiers were injured in the blast. in Helmand province.

At the funeral, Chaplain Thomas Østergaard Aallmann, who has served in Afghanistan himself, said: "Simon Sejer Hoffmann. You lived up to your middle name (‘sejer’ means ‘victory’ in Danish). You are victorious. You triumphed over indifference and apathy. Even in your defeat you have won, because you stood up for something; you fell for freedom, life, and peace instead of living just to survive. 

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