
Monday, October 26, 2009

Danish sergeant dies in combat

Sergeant Michael Ebert becomes the 26th soldier to die in combat while serving in Afghanistan. A Danish soldier has been shot and killed while on foot patrol in Southern Afghanistan.
Sergeant Michael Ebert, 23, was flown to a field hospital for treatment but was pronounced dead on arrival on Friday.

Danish Army Operational Command -- Head of the Danish battlegroup, the ISAF team 8, Col. Karsten Eiholm Kjaer writes:

Sergeant Michael Ebert untimely death fills us all in the Danish Battlegroup with great sadness. His nearest lost a girlfriend, a son and a good comrade. We in the battle group has lost an exemplary officer, a good colleague and a good and loyal friend, as Sergeant Michael Ebert, 23 October died of injuries he suffered during a shoot fight in the bazaar area north of Gereshk.

Sergeant Michael Ebert was flying for the 2nd group in the 3rd Mechanized Infanterikompagnis 2nd division deployed with his unit during a patrol in the green zone.
He always led his group with great authority and confident belief in his own professionalism, since the device fell into an ambush.

The other units in the division engaged the enemy immediately while sick helpers gave first aid to Michael Ebert. Unfortunately the injuries after the shoot so severe that he later died from them, despite a laudable efforts of his comrades.

Michael Ebert was in the Company known as a deeply professional, purposeful and serious officer who was well liked and highly respected for his efforts here in Afghanistan, both his soldiers, colleagues as superiors.

Fighting Group and especially 3rd Infantry companies are burdened by Michal Ebert died, but our thoughts and deepest sympathy goes primarily to Michael's closest relatives and friends.

Yesterday the sun went down after a sad day. Today, the sun got up again, and we continue to solve the tasks. We do this because we still believe that we are making a difference.

We do not let Michael's sacrifice be in vain.

Been honored Sergeant Michael Ebert memorial.

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