
Monday, August 10, 2009

Polish officer, Captain Daniel Ambroziński

Capt. Daniel Ambroziński
The body of Captain Daniel Ambroziński, declared missing in action (MIA) during a shootout 10th August 2009, was found the following day after an intensive all-night search by Polish and Afghani forces. 

Captain Ambroziński died of a gunshot wound during the operation code-named “Over the Top” in the Ajiristan district of Ghazni province. A joint Polish and Afghani foot patrol was attacked by a group of Taliban. During an intensive exchange of fire Captain Ambrozinski was killed and four others were injured. 

Aged 32, he served in the Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT). At home he served in the 1st Air Cavalry Battalion in Leznica Wielka. 

He left a wife and a daughter.

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