
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Two Danish Dragoons killed by IED

above: Jacob Gronnegaard Gade
Dan Gyde
The Danish Army Operational Command announced Friday afternoon the names of two soldiers who were killed Thursday morning in Afghanistan when their patrol was engaged in a fight.

22-year-old Konstabel Jacob Gronnegaard Gade and 29-year-old Overkonstabel Dan Gyde were killed as a result of the blast of an improvised explosive device in Gereshk, Helmand province.

Jacob Gronnegaard Gade had been in Helmand province previously in 2007 and 2008, while Dan Gyde had been deployed to Macedonia in 1999.

Dan Gyde leaves his father, mother, three sisters, his wife and a small child.

Jacob Gronnegaard Gade was unmarried and had no children. He leaves behind his mother and sister.

Both were assigned to the Jydske Dragonregiment (Jutland Dragoon Regiment).

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