
Friday, December 19, 2008

3 Danish Hussars killed by land mine

Sergeant Jacob Moe Jensen, konstabel Sebastian La Cour Holm and konstabel Benjamin Davie Sala Rasmussen lost their lives when they were engaged in what they have done so many times before. Namely, to escort logistikkonvojen through the desert.

All three were vital pieces in the battle group convoy section, with the walking-on courage and enthusiasm time after time ran out to ensure that there were supplies to their comrades in the camps Price and Armadillo.

All three were professional to the utmost. Go on their first deployment, they all three had taken a position on that they wanted the mission here and that they believed in the matter.

Jacob, Sebastian and Benjamin were all three victims of the enemy's cowardly way to hit us on. One way in which the three are known for.

That day they took away with the largest logistics column, which we had seen on hold 6th Mood was high, this day, although the weather was gray and dull. 
We beckoned goodbye to them as they drove through the gate, and stood with bowed head as they drove in again.

Jacob, Benjamin and Sebastian knew all three, what it was, they went in for. They knew they could come to pay the ultimate price. Yet they took the place without blinking for the task which they were trained to do.

So do we, who sit back. We are not intimidated. We are running out through the gate today, tomorrow, next month. We will not allow Jacob, Sebastian and Benjamins death be in vain.

Have honored their memory

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