
Friday, July 11, 2008

Hungarian Army Major, Krisztian Nemes

Major Nemes
Hungarian explosives expert Major Krisztian Nemes, aged 32, was killed by a bomb on 12th July 2008 in Baghlan province.

Major Nemes had been called to a road leading to Kunduz where a bomb had been found. As he was inspecting the device, it exploded, killing Nemes and injuring an Afghan police officer.

He had been sent to Afghanistan a few weeks previouly to replace Lieutenant Gyula Kovacs, who was killed by an explosive in June 2008. 

Major Nemes was posthumously promoted from Captain and declared a national hero.

1 comment:

  1. Wolfgang J Mann05 June, 2011 09:50

    I'm glad to have met Krisztian Nemez, even only for some hours the day before he was killed by an IED!
    Rest in peace until we meet again
    Wolfgang Mann


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