
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Estonian soldier dies in accident

An Estonian non-commissioned officer who sustained heavy injuries in an accident in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province on the evening of May 23rd died in hospital in the night.

Sgt. Major Ivar Brok
Sgt. Maj. Ivar Brok, 30, serving in the support unit NSE-5 of the Estonian contingent in Afghanistan, sustained life-threatening injuries in an accident that happened in the course of loading works at the Camp Bastion base, the General Staff here reports. Brok was loading equipment of the infantry platoon ESTCOY-6 onto trucks when a wheel of a Pasi armoured personnel carrier escaped and rolled on him. Such a wheel weighs several hundred kilograms.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lithuanian soldier, Sergeant Arūnas Jarmalavičius

Sergeant Arūnas Jarmalavičius
Sergeant Arūnas Jarmalavičius, died 22nd May 2008.
Motorized Infantry Battalion of Lithuania.

Aged 34, he was serving with NATO ISAF forces in Ghor province, western Afghanistan.

He and at least two Afghan civilians were killed when hundreds of rock-throwing protesters tried to break into an airfield base in Chaghcharan in protest over an American soldier's use of the Koran for target practice in Iraq. 

Other soldiers, Afghan police and civilians were wounded in the incident. The soldier was killed by gunfire, but it was unclear if the shots came from the crowd, Taliban insurgents or security forces. 

The area is remote and it was impossible for media to independently verify what had happened.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Czech Republic list of military fatalities

Czech Republic military fatalities since 2001.

Date Name Rank Age Unit Cause
09-Oct-11 Werner, Adrian Sergeant 32 2 OLMT Hostile fire
31-May-11 Vyroubal, Robert Sergeant 31
Hostile: IED
30-Apr-08 Radim Vaculik CWO 29 102 Reconnaissance Hostile: IED
17-Mar-08 Milan Sterba Lieutenant 35 Special Operations Grp Hostile: IED
03-May-07 Nikolaj Martynov Sergeant 28 43rd Airborne Vehicle accident