
Monday, February 25, 2008

Polish Army Corporal, Szymon Slowik

Cpl. Szymon Slowik
Polish Army Corporal, Szymon Slowik, was one of two Polish soldiers killed on 26th February 2008, when a roadside bomb (IED) was detonated and exploded near their Humvee patrol vehicle in the Sharan district of Paktika, Afghanistan.

Corporal Slowik, aged 33, served with the Polish 16th Air Assault Battalion.

Polish soldier, Pfc. Hubert Kowalewski

Pfc. Hubert Kowalewski
Polish Army Private 1st Class, Hubert Kowalewski, was one of two Polish soldiers killed on 26th February 2008, when a roadside bomb (IED) was detonated and exploded near their Humvee patrol vehicle in the Sharan district of Paktika, Afghanistan.

Pfc. Kowalewski, aged 26, served with the Polish 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Danish soldier killed in tragic accident

Pvt. Morten Jensen
Danish soldier, Private Morten Krogh Jensen, aged 21, was accidently killed by machine-gun fire from a comrade on 24th February 2008. Private Jensen was serving with the Danish Royal Life Guards division.

According to witnesses, the soldier responsible for the killing had committed several gross misdemeanors with his machine gun in the moments leading up to the fatal accident.

The soldier responsible, a corporal in the Royal Guard's division, reportedly attempted to take his own life immediately after the incident. He was prevented from doing so by other members of the company.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Italian Army Warrant Officer Giovanni Pezzulo

WO Pezzulo
Italian Army Warrant Officer Giovanni Pezzulo, aged 44, was killed on 13th February 2008 in a gun battle with Taliban insurgents at Rudbar, about sixty kilometres from Kabul.

WO Pezzulo's unit was distributing food and medicine to civilians when they came under attack. He had been in the army since 1980. Originally from Carinola in the province of Caserta, WO Pezzulo was resident at Oderzo in the province of Treviso and was serving with the Cimic Group South based at Motta di Livenza.

He had been in Afghanistan since December 2007 and was due to return to Italy in April.

He leaves a wife, Maria D’Agostino, and an 18-year-old daughter, Giusi, who live at Oderzo.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Portugal military fatalities - list

Full list of military fatalities since 2002

Date Name Rank Age Unit Cause
24-Nov-07 Pedrosa, Sérgio Miguel Oliveira Private 22 10th Infantry Accident
18-Nov-05 Pereira, Joao Paul Roma Sergeant 33 Not reported IED attack